Latest News! The P.O.B. Conspiracy has won a 2007 Silver Telly Award. Get all the details at the
The P.O.B. Conspiracy MySpace page.
Previously: The P.O.B. Conspiracy had its world premiere at the Washington D.C.
Independent Film Festival on March 11!
In Other News: Steve Gibson, DiG, Rob Maher, Gus Soudah and Vallery Linn from The P.O.B. Conspiracy joined forces
with Todd Moore and Karen Palting to create a short film, 'Death and Reproduction,' for the 72 Film Fest
narrative challenge.
Read all about the making of the film in the Frederick News Post article by Linda Basilicato
(PDF download). And even cooler, 'Death and Reproduction' won the Grand Jury award for best short and best acting.
Another Frederick News Post article
details the awards ceremony.
The P.O.B. Conspiracy is produced by Joel DiGiacomo and Steve Gibson
in a Lost World Media and Typing Monkeys Production.
Website created and designed by Joel "DiG" DiGiacomo.