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Galactic Starcruiser Fam: Thank You!

2023 September 21
by Jen DiGiacomo

If you arrived via Jyn Syko’s QR code, welcome! I would love to connect with as many of you as possible (Jyn’s Instagram; Jen’s Facebook | Instagram)! Below is the e-mail I sent to the as heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in bringing life to the Halcyon. And thank YOU for being a part of an experience that has meant so much to me. Ta’bu e tay!

Dear Galactic Starcruiser Family,

Now that I’ve had some time to decompress following two September voyages aboard the Galactic Starcruiser in quick succession, I’ve finally been able to process why the experience has had such a profound effect on me, why I was so close to full body sobs on so many occasions, not only aboard the Halcyon, but afterwards whilst explaining my adventures to friends or merely replaying events in my head for the trillionth time (an unfortunate hazard of ADHD).

Unlike so many others in attendance, I was not a Star Wars fanatic when I boarded. Sure I saw the first film countless times when it came out, counted the seconds until the Holiday Special aired on CBS, collected the card sets for the first two films, even saw the Return of the Jedi at the very first showing. But ultimately, I found the franchise to be, IMHO, fatally flawed in how the force worked so disproportionately, first in young Anakin, then in Rey. Truth be told, I only really loved three or four of the films (IV, V, Rogue One and maybe Solo). But I always returned. Sharing it with my kids, collecting cool tchotkes, hunting down first-run versions of the original trilogy. The Mandalorian absolutely recaptured my interest (“I want to see the baby”), and I always knew I would eventually make it aboard the Galactic Starcruiser.

When news broke that the Halcyon would be sent to dry dock, I enlisted a dear friend and Disney travel agent extraordinaire (Andrea Mayo) to book my journey. 14 hours on hold, she finally got me a cabin, and I was thrilled to gift her a Halcyon lightsaber and shield as thank you. Countless friends declined the opportunity to join me primarily due to the recent laws in Florida, including my youngest who is gender fluid. Even when I offered free passage, the well remained dry. Two fellow Doctor Who fans finally took me up on my offer, Abie Eke and Christina Nicholls, and away we went, gathering at Galaxy’s Edge to fashion lightsabers at Savi’s Workshop the night before.

The trip itself was unforgettable. One truly experienced the feeling of being elsewhere after taking a shuttle to the Starcruiser. I even opted to buy a few things in the gift shop lest they sell out since we were so far from resupplying in port.  The cast members, all of them, were amazing. I mean, spectacularly amazing. Engaging, funny, so good at making sure everyone felt included. This was a top-notch experience — the best immersive adventure I have ever been a part of — and this is from someone who has written and run two LARPS — and been a part of, I don’t know, more than 20 LARPS, and other similar escapades.

I would be remiss to not shout out our photographer who was brilliant and quickly gave us all nicknames that matched our personalities to a T. I was, of course, Troublemaker, Trouble and Boss. The Sublight Lounge folks were brilliant, too — as were all the blue-clad cast members.

As day two drew to a close, there was a moment in the late dinner that took my breath away. Lt. Croy was speaking to Captain Keevan and said something to the effect that she was a very good captain, for a Pantoran. The entire audience gasped at that one line. My friend Abie who is black and myself who is transgender looked at each other, held hands and in that moment, I could no longer roleplay indifference to those supporting the First Order. This was no longer simply an immersive game, this was a parable, an analogy of what so many of us are facing in the real world, right outside of Disneyworld.

As the narrative of our journey came to a close, and others chatted about this and that, I looked for those with red-rimmed eyes to commiserate with. I found quite a few and we tried desperately not to lose it in front of everyone. A woman in a wheelchair who was incorporated into the storyline for the first time in her life — to hide a piece of luggage from the stormtroopers. Introverts finding themselves suddenly part of a community. So many of us so moved by all of this, hugging and trying not to ramble on with the cast about how transformative and emotional this experience really was. This emotion and this community formed over 40 some hours was a joy to behold. I do not exaggerate when I say we have online support groups — and every journey a private Facebook group to stay connected.

But it wasn’t until the next day, and a second journey, that everything crystallized. Why I love Star Wars so much. Why I am desperate to talk my way on board the Halcyon one more time. Why I am about to embark on a rewatch of everything Star Wars in chronological order. Because ultimately, Star Wars has a heart at the center of its narrative. A heart that isn’t so much about good over evil, but about hope. A New Hope, if you will, in the darkest of times, an allegory of *our* times, not merely a long time ago and far, far away, but today, much, much closer to home.

Please thank everyone on my behalf. I was the scoundrel known as Jyn on both voyages and every single cast member aboard made this an unforgettable and deeply emotional journey. Lenka Mok was… wow. We cried together after both voyages. And both Riathe Koles were absolute highlights. I include a few photos to show just how emotional it really was, for all of us. I even got a hug from Chewie! And not photographed was my wonderful interaction with Rey on the 9/6 voyage that moved me so much I find myself envisaging *her* as the humble, inspirational representation of the Resistance.

I’m still hoping for one more cruise to make sure I can spend time with all the cast members one more time and truly appreciate every second  on board. Regardless of the outcome, I will be in Batuu for the final day trip on 9/29 — and the party on Saturday night. Please let everyone I would love one last hug if they are in attendance.

Jennifer DiGiacomo aka Jyn
Jyn Instagram; Jen’s Facebook | Instagram

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